Group Fitness - the benefits of working out with friends and groups.

Training alone isn’t for everyone. Whether you find gyms intimidating or you simply can’t find the motivation to pick yourself up off the couch, working out in a group or with friends could be the solution! And if you’re a total gym junkie that loves nothing more than working out – a group fitness class could be an exciting midweek shake up your fitness routine needs!

Exercise has a huge amount of physical benefits, including boosting energy levels, improving sleep and releasing those much-needed mood enhancing endorphins. And group exercise offers all those things, and more! In fact, group fitness classes are so much more than jumping around to loud music (although, what’s not to love about that?).

From structure to social opportunities and accountability support, learn more about the benefits of working out with friends with Ubifit.

You’re going to be held accountable…

If you struggle to stick to a regular routine when it comes to solo training, group fitness classes are the perfect way to get stuck in… and you’ll be held accountable. As you start attending classes regularly, you’ll become familiar with other participants, and might even start to feel as though you’re part of a community, where missing classes simply won’t do!

It’s hard not to find group fitness classes motivational. When you’re surrounded by a bunch of like-minded people with the same goals as you, working out becomes something you enjoy, and even look forward to. With an encouraging trained fitness instructor and a group of supportive participants, you’re more likely to dig deeper and push yourself to really break a sweat!

Embrace the structure that your fitness routine might be lacking

If you’re into working out, but you’re fed up with the same old routines, group exercise classes do all the work for you (well, not all the work…). From a dedicated warm-up, and a balanced workout to a much needed cool down and stretch that you might skip if you’re going it alone. Your instructor will coach you the whole way through your workout, ensuring that you execute each exercise safely and correctly.

And get a much-needed motivation boost!

It’s hard not to find group fitness classes motivational. When you’re surrounded by a bunch of like-minded people with the same goals as you, working out becomes something you enjoy, and even look forward to. With an encouraging trained fitness instructor and a group of supportive participants, you’re more likely to dig deeper and push yourself to really break a sweat!

Find out exactly what you love – and do more of it

If you’re struggling to get off the couch or feeling super frustrated in a gym membership that no longer excites you, group fitness classes can give you the push you need to get up, go, and try new things that you might not have before! From boxing classes to circuit training and HIIT classes, figuring out what motivates you will allow you to incorporate fitness into your lifestyle long term.

Quite frankly old-school gyms just aren’t our thing, and  we’re guessing they aren’t yours either? We believe that you should experience the true meaning of fitness freedom, and have fun along the way. If you’re interested in our training classes, feel free to call us on 021 02370313 for more information. Get ready to achieve your goals, the Ubifit way.

Your very own mobile gym in Tauranga, Mt Maunganui & beyond

Don’t get sucked into a gym contract that you’ll barely use. Whether you’re looking for a qualified personal trainer in Mt Maunganui, Tauranga or another location that’s suitable to you, we’ll come straight to you. For a life with no limits, say goodbye to long-term gym contracts and 5am boot camps. It’s time to tackle 2020 with the encouragement of a trusted mobile fitness instructor that wants you to change your lifestyle – and love the new one that you create.